Seafood is always on the table


With a dense river system and long sea routes in Viet Nam, it is very convenient to develop fishing and aquaculture activities. Seafood production has maintained sustainable growth and diversification. This is accompanied by the integration of challenges and processing technologies to reach high-end markets. We are proud to be one of the important links, providing effective solutions to ensure the quality of seafood to end consumers.

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Seasoning can  make your seafood  an innovative product with unique taste. It can also be a ready-to-eat product, a gourmet quality product, and a formed seafood product (with multiple formats, shapes, dimensions and flavour profiles – like seafood medallions), among others. These products should be marketed at a lower cost to compete with or replace similar pricy conventional products. 

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Value added products have considerable demands at the retail level from consumers who resist fresh seafood because of its smell. To ensure taste and texture profiles, we have offered tailored products of flavoring  (diversified seafood seasoning, xanthan gum, carrageenan, guar gum and many more!).

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Enzymes have been used for seafood production and processing for centuries. Proteases can be used for the deskinning of fishes, in which the fish skin is removed while keeping the flesh intact. Enzymes are also employed for the production of fish protein hydrolyzates where the proteins are broken down to amino acids. More commonly, fish sauce is the outcome of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction of fish in the presence of salt.

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Phosphorus is found naturally in dairy, meat, and plants. It's needed to help cells work properly. Phosphates enhance flavor and moistness in deli seafoods, frozen food, cereals, cheese, and baked goods, as well as in sodas and prepared iced tea mixes. We can offer TSP, TSPP, STPP, DSP and much more.

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Non-phosphates balance the ingredients of your recipes is a certain move into a healthy life. We are able to provide a series of non-phosphate compounds to assure consumers of their phosphorus daily intake.

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Besides these products, we have other products depending on customers. When you have an idea to improve the taste of your seafood, our specialists, in connection with professional experts will have a solution for you.