
Swine (Pig) farming has become one of the most challenging agricultural activities in our country. We share our expertise with customers, who believe that the quality of feed and biosecurity are core factors to keep the herd healthy, to enhance productivity and ensure a high return on investment. We have a successful history of supporting customers dealing with sows, piglets, and hogs in any stage of farming.


Ruminants cover a wide range of animals such as bovines, goats and sheep that can convert nutrients from plant-based food into meat or milk in a specialized stomach prior to digestion. These animals play a crucial role in livestock farming, meeting the high demands for meat and milk in the country. We have an extensive experience in selecting superior additives for ruminant feed to maximize our clients' profits.


Poultry feed must be monitored with intensive care, in order to enhance productivity at the farm at all stages of livestock life cycles. We can provide the most advanced additives to improve broilers and layers productions and profits of the customers around the country.


Managing a healthy farm is crucial for improving fish and shrimp health. Hence, water standards should kept to the highest standards to achieve mass production in the country in different aqua-environments including fresh, brackish and salt waters. We have a myriad of successful cases supported by specialists and continue to adopt innovative methods that garner global attention to support our customers.