Supply Chain

The customer is our top priority


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More efficient transport and logistics can play an essential role in increasing the productivity of an entire system. By improving the predictability of supply chains, we can provide better transport and logistics services, allowing our customers to avoid any potential delays. This enhances time efficiency and reduces the extra costs associated with doing business.

At PMA Co. Ltd., our team, with an extensive global network, is dedicated to addressing any delivery issues and ensuring that goods are delivered to your facilities in a timely manner .

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Importing products involves numerous administrative requirements from authorities. In some cases, technical profiles must be customized to comply with local regulations to enable importation and distribution. With extensive expertise and a significant investment of effort, we are confident in our ability to  provide the best services to process any documentations within the desired timeframe.

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International Trading

We have experience in doing business with more than 30 counties, and international trading is our strength. At PMA Co. Ltd., we are committed and dedicated to building a bright future with all our commercial partners.


Storage with responsibility and care


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Odoo CMS - a big picture


Odoo CMS - a big picture